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C# How to: Image Boundary Extraction

Article Purpose

This article explores various concepts, which feature in combination when implementing Image Boundary Extraction. Concepts covered within this article include: Morphological and , Addition and Subtraction, Boundary Sharpening, Boundary Tracing and Boundary Extraction.

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Green, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Greed, Blue

Sample Source Code

This article is accompanied by a sample source code Visual Studio project which is available for download .

Using the Sample Application

This article’s accompanying sample source code includes the definition of a sample application. The sample application serves as an implementation of the concepts discussed in this article. In using the sample application concepts can be easily tested and replicated.

The sample application has been defined as a . The user interface enables the user to configure several options which influence the output produced from filtering processes. The following section describes the options available to a user when executing the sample application:

  • Loading and Saving files – Users can specify source/input through clicking the Load Image button. If desired, resulting filtered can be saved to the local system when clicking the Save Image button.
  • Filter Type – The types of filters implemented represent variations on Image Boundary Extraction. The supported filter types are: Conventional Boundary extraction, Boundary Sharpening and Boundary Tracing.
  • Filter Size – Filter intensity/strength will mostly be reliant on the filter size implemented. A Filter size represents the number of neighbouring examined when applying filters.
  • Colours Applied – The sample source code and sample application provides functionality allowing a filter to only effect user specified colour components. Colour components are represented in the form of an RGB colour scheme. The inclusion or exclusion of the colour components Red, Green and Blue will be determined through user configuration.
  • Structuring Element – As mentioned, the Filter Size option determines the size of neighbourhood examined. The ’s setup determine the neighbouring   within the neighbourhood size bounds that should be used as input when calculating filter results.

The following is a screenshot of the Image Boundary Extraction sample application in action:

Image Boundary Extaction Sample  Application

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Green

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Green

Morphological Boundary Extraction

Image Boundary Extraction can be considered a method of . In contrast to more commonly implemented   methods, Image Boundary Extraction originates from Morphological Image Filters.

When drawing a comparison, Image Boundary Extraction and express strong similarities. results from the difference in and . Considered from a different point of view, creating one expressing thicker edges and another expressing thinner edges provides the means to calculate the difference in edges.

Image Boundary Extraction implements the same concept as . The base concept can be regarded as calculating the difference between two which rendered the same , but expressing a difference in . Image Boundary Extraction relies on calculating the difference between either and the source or and the source . The difference between and in most cases result in more of difference than the difference between and the source or and the source . The result of Image Boundary Extraction representing less of a difference than can be observed in Image Boundary Extraction being expressed in finer/smaller width lines.

is another method of which functions along the same basis. Edges are determined by calculating the difference between two , each having been filtered from the same source , using a of differing intensity levels.

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Green, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Green, Blue

Boundary Sharpening

The concept of Boundary Sharpening refers to enhancing or sharpening the boundaries or edges expressed in a source/input . Boundaries can be easily determined or extracted as discussed earlier when exploring Boundary Extraction.

The steps involved in performing Boundary Sharpening can be described as follows:

  1. Extract Boundaries – Determine boundaries by performing and calculating the difference between the dilated and the source .
  2. Match Source Edges and Extracted Boundaries – The boundaries extracted in the previous step represent the difference between and the original source . Ensure that extracted boundaries match the source through performing on a copy of the source/input .
  3. Emphasise Extracted boundaries in source image – Perform addition using the extracted boundaries and dilated copy of the source .

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Green, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Green, Blue

Boundary Tracing

Boundary Tracing refers to applying filters which result in /boundaries appearing darker or more pronounced. This type of filter also relies on Boundary Extraction.

Boundary Tracing can be implemented in two steps, described as follows:

  1. Extract Boundaries – Determine boundaries by performing and calculating the difference between the dilated and the source .
  2. Emphasise Extracted boundaries in source image – Subtract the extracted boundaries from the original source .

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Green, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Green, Blue

Implementing Morphological Erosion and Dilation

The accompanying sample source code defines the MorphologyOperation method,  defined as an targeting the class. In terms of parameters this method expects a two dimensional array representing a . The other required  parameter represents an value indicating which Morphological Operation to perform, either or .

The following code snippet provides the definition in full:

private static Bitmap MorphologyOperation(this Bitmap sourceBitmap,
                                          bool[,] se,
                                          MorphologyOperationType morphType,
                                          bool applyBlue = true,
                                          bool applyGreen = true,
                                          bool applyRed = true)
    BitmapData sourceData =
               sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0,
               sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height),

byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length);
int filterOffset = (se.GetLength(0) - 1) / 2; int calcOffset = 0, byteOffset = 0; byte blueErode = 0, greenErode = 0, redErode = 0; byte blueDilate = 0, greenDilate = 0, redDilate = 0;
for (int offsetY = 0; offsetY < sourceBitmap.Height - filterOffset; offsetY++) { for (int offsetX = 0; offsetX < sourceBitmap.Width - filterOffset; offsetX++) { byteOffset = offsetY * sourceData.Stride + offsetX * 4;
blueErode = 255; greenErode = 255; redErode = 255; blueDilate = 0; greenDilate = 0; redDilate = 0;
for (int filterY = -filterOffset; filterY <= filterOffset; filterY++) { for (int filterX = -filterOffset; filterX <= filterOffset; filterX++) { if (se[filterY + filterOffset, filterX + filterOffset] == true) { calcOffset = byteOffset + (filterX * 4) + (filterY * sourceData.Stride);
calcOffset = (calcOffset < 0 ? 0 : (calcOffset >= pixelBuffer.Length + 2 ? pixelBuffer.Length - 3 : calcOffset));
blueDilate = (pixelBuffer[calcOffset] > blueDilate ? pixelBuffer[calcOffset] : blueDilate);
greenDilate = (pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 1] > greenDilate ? pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 1] : greenDilate);
redDilate = (pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 2] > redDilate ? pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 2] : redDilate);
blueErode = (pixelBuffer[calcOffset] < blueErode ? pixelBuffer[calcOffset] : blueErode);
greenErode = (pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 1] < greenErode ? pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 1] : greenErode);
redErode = (pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 2] < redErode ? pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 2] : redErode); } } }
blueErode = (applyBlue ? blueErode : pixelBuffer[byteOffset]); blueDilate = (applyBlue ? blueDilate : pixelBuffer[byteOffset]);
greenErode = (applyGreen ? greenErode : pixelBuffer[byteOffset + 1]); greenDilate = (applyGreen ? greenDilate : pixelBuffer[byteOffset + 1]);
redErode = (applyRed ? redErode : pixelBuffer[byteOffset + 2]); redDilate = (applyRed ? redDilate : pixelBuffer[byteOffset + 2]);
if (morphType == MorphologyOperationType.Erosion) { resultBuffer[byteOffset] = blueErode; resultBuffer[byteOffset + 1] = greenErode; resultBuffer[byteOffset + 2] = redErode; } else if (morphType == MorphologyOperationType.Dilation) { resultBuffer[byteOffset] = blueDilate; resultBuffer[byteOffset + 1] = greenDilate; resultBuffer[byteOffset + 2] = redDilate; }
resultBuffer[byteOffset + 3] = 255; } }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height); BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length);
return resultBitmap; }

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Green

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Green

Implementing Image Addition

The sample source code encapsulates the process of combining two separate through means of addition. The AddImage method serves as a single declaration of addition functionality. This method has been defined as an targeting the class. Boundary Sharpen filtering implements addition.

The following code snippet provides the definition of the AddImage :

private static Bitmap AddImage(this Bitmapsource Bitmap, 
                               Bitmap addBitmap)
    BitmapData sourceData =
               sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0,
               sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height),

byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, resultBuffer, 0, resultBuffer.Length);
BitmapData addData = addBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, addBitmap.Width, addBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
byte[] addBuffer = new byte[addData.Stride * addData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(addData.Scan0, addBuffer, 0, addBuffer.Length);
for (int k = 0; k + 4 < resultBuffer.Length && k + 4 < addBuffer.Length; k += 4) { resultBuffer[k] = AddColors(resultBuffer[k], addBuffer[k]); resultBuffer[k + 1] = AddColors(resultBuffer[k + 1], addBuffer[k + 1]); resultBuffer[k + 2] = AddColors(resultBuffer[k + 2], addBuffer[k + 2]); resultBuffer[k + 3] = 255; }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);
BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length);
return resultBitmap; }
private static byte AddColors(byte color1, byte color2) 
    int result = color1 + color2; 

return (byte)(result < 0 ? 0 : (result > 255 ? 255 : result)); }

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Green, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Green, Blue

Implementing Image Subtraction

In a similar fashion regarding the AddImage method the sample code defines the SubractImage method.  By definition this method serves as an targeting the class. Image subtraction has been implemented in Boundary Extraction and Boundary Tracing.

The definition of the SubtractImage method listed as follows:

private static Bitmap SubtractImage(this Bitmap sourceBitmap,  
                                         Bitmap subtractBitmap) 
    BitmapData sourceData = 
               sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 
               sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), 

byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, resultBuffer, 0, resultBuffer.Length);
BitmapData subtractData = subtractBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, subtractBitmap.Width, subtractBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
byte[] subtractBuffer = new byte[subtractData.Stride * subtractData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(subtractData.Scan0, subtractBuffer, 0, subtractBuffer.Length);
for (int k = 0; k + 4 < resultBuffer.Length && k + 4 < subtractBuffer.Length; k += 4) { resultBuffer[k] = SubtractColors(resultBuffer[k], subtractBuffer[k]);
resultBuffer[k + 1] = SubtractColors(resultBuffer[k + 1], subtractBuffer[k + 1]);
resultBuffer[k + 2] = SubtractColors(resultBuffer[k + 2], subtractBuffer[k + 2]);
resultBuffer[k + 3] = 255; }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap (sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);
BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length);
return resultBitmap; }
private static byte SubtractColors(byte color1, byte color2) 
    int result = (int)color1 - (int)color2; 

return (byte)(result < 0 ? 0 : result); }

 Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Green

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Green

Implementing Image Boundary Extraction

In the sample source code processing Image Boundary Extraction can be achieved when invoking the BoundaryExtraction method. Defined as an , the BoundaryExtraction method targets the class.

As discussed earlier, this method performs Boundary Extraction through subtracting the source from a dilated copy of the source .

The following code snippet details the definition of the BoundaryExtraction method:

private static Bitmap
BoundaryExtraction(this Bitmap sourceBitmap, 
                   bool[,] se, bool applyBlue = true, 
                   bool applyGreen = true, bool applyRed = true) 
    Bitmap resultBitmap = 
           MorphologyOperationType.Dilation, applyBlue,  
                                  applyGreen, applyRed); 

resultBitmap = resultBitmap.SubtractImage(sourceBitmap);
return resultBitmap; }

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Blue

Implementing Image Boundary Sharpening

Boundary Sharpening in the sample source code has been implemented through the definition of the BoundarySharpen method. The BoundarySharpen targets the class. The following code snippet provides the definition:

private static Bitmap 
BoundarySharpen(this Bitmap sourceBitmap, 
                bool[,] se, bool applyBlue = true, 
                bool applyGreen = true, bool applyRed = true) 
    Bitmap resultBitmap = 
           sourceBitmap.BoundaryExtraction(se, applyBlue, 
                                           applyGreen, applyRed); 

resultBitmap = sourceBitmap.MorphologyOperation(se, MorphologyOperationType.Dilation, applyBlue, applyGreen, applyRed).AddImage(resultBitmap);
return resultBitmap; }

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Green

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Green

Implementing Image Boundary Tracing

Boundary Tracing has been defined through the BoundaryTrace , which targets the class. Similar to the BoundarySharpen method this method performs Boundary Extraction, the result of which serves to be subtracted from the original source . Subtracting boundaries/edges result in those boundaries/edges being darkened, or traced. The definition of the BoundaryTracing detailed as follows:

private static Bitmap
BoundaryTrace(this Bitmap sourceBitmap, 
              bool[,] se, bool applyBlue = true, 
              bool applyGreen = true, bool applyRed = true) 
    Bitmap resultBitmap =
    sourceBitmap.BoundaryExtraction(se, applyBlue,  
                                    applyGreen, applyRed); 

resultBitmap = sourceBitmap.SubtractImage(resultBitmap);
return resultBitmap; }

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Green, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Green, Blue

Implementing a Wrapper Method

The BoundaryExtractionFilter method is the only method defined as publicly accessible. Following convention, this method’s definition signals the method as an targeting the class. This method has the intention of acting as a wrapper method, a single method capable of performing Boundary Extraction, Boundary Sharpening and Boundary Tracing, depending on method parameters.

The definition of the BoundaryExtractionFilter method detailed by the following code snippet:

public static Bitmap
BoundaryExtractionFilter(this Bitmap sourceBitmap, 
                         bool[,] se, BoundaryExtractionFilterType  
                         filterType, bool applyBlue = true, 
                         bool applyGreen = true, bool applyRed = true) 
    Bitmap resultBitmap = null; 

if (filterType == BoundaryExtractionFilterType.BoundaryExtraction) { resultBitmap = sourceBitmap.BoundaryExtraction(se, applyBlue, applyGreen, applyRed); } else if (filterType == BoundaryExtractionFilterType.BoundarySharpen) { resultBitmap = sourceBitmap.BoundarySharpen(se, applyBlue, applyGreen, applyRed); } else if (filterType == BoundaryExtractionFilterType.BoundaryTrace) { resultBitmap = sourceBitmap.BoundaryTrace(se, applyBlue, applyGreen, applyRed); }
return resultBitmap; }

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3×3, Red, Green, Blue

Parrot: Boundary Extraction, 3x3, Red, Green, Blue

Sample Images

This article features a number of sample images. All featured images have been licensed allowing for reproduction. The following images feature as sample images:







Related Articles and Feedback

Feedback and questions are always encouraged. If you know of an alternative implementation or have ideas on a more efficient implementation please share in the comments section.

I’ve published a number of articles related to imaging and images of which you can find URL links here:

C# How to: Weighted Difference of Gaussians

Article Purpose

It is the purpose of this article to illustrate the concept of  . This article extends the conventional implementation of algorithms through the application of equally sized   only differing by a weight factor.

Frog: Kernel 5×5, Weight1 0.1, Weight2 2.1

Frog: Kernel 5x5, Weight1 0.1, Weight2 2.1

Sample Source Code

This article is accompanied by a sample source code Visual Studio project which is available for download here.

Using the Sample Application

This article relies on a sample application included as part of the accompanying sample source code. The sample application serves as a practical implementation of the concepts explored throughout this article.

The sample application user interface enables the user to configure and control the implementation of a filter. The configuration options exposed through the sample application’s user interface can be detailed as follows:

  • Load/Save Images – When executing the sample application users are able to load source/input from the local system through clicking the Load Image button. If desired, the sample application enables users to save resulting to the local file system through clicking the Save Image button.
  • Kernel Size – This option relates to the size of the that is to be implemented when performing through . Smaller are faster to compute and generally result in detected in the source/input to be expressed through thinner gradient edges. Larger can be computationally expensive to compute as sizes increase. In addition, the edges detected in source/input will generally be expressed as thicker gradient edges in resulting .
  • Weight Values – The sample application calculates   and in doing so implements a weight factor. A Weight Factor determines the blur intensity observed in result after having applied . Higher weight factors result in a more intense level of being applied. As expected, lower weight factors values result in  a less intense level of being applied. If the value of the first weight factor exceeds the value of the second weight factor resulting will be generated with a Black background and edges being indicated in White. In a similar fashion, when the second weight factor value exceeds that of the first weight factor resulting will be generated with a White background and edges being indicated in Black. The greater the difference between the first and second weight factor values result in a greater degree of removal. When weight factor values only differ slightly, resulting may be prone to .

The following image is screenshot of the Weighted Difference of Gaussians sample application in action:

Weighted Difference Of Gaussians Sample Application

Frog: Kernel 5×5, Weight1 1.8, Weight2 0.1

Frog: Kernel 5x5, Weight1 1.8, Weight2 0.1

Gaussian Blur

The algorithm can be described as one of the most popular and widely implemented methods of . From we gain the following excerpt:

A Gaussian blur (also known as Gaussian smoothing) is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function. It is a widely used effect in graphics software, typically to reduce image noise and reduce detail. The visual effect of this blurring technique is a smooth blur resembling that of viewing the image through a translucent screen, distinctly different from the bokeh effect produced by an out-of-focus lens or the shadow of an object under usual illumination. Gaussian smoothing is also used as a pre-processing stage in computer vision algorithms in order to enhance image structures at different scales.

Mathematically, applying a Gaussian blur to an image is the same as convolving the image with a Gaussian function. This is also known as a two-dimensional Weierstrass transform.

Take Note: The algorithm has the attribute of smoothing detail/definition whilst also having an edge preservation attribute. When applying a to an a level of detail/definition will be blurred/smoothed away, done in a fashion that would exclude/preserve edges.

Frog: Kernel 5×5, Weight1 2.7, Weight2 0.1

Frog: Kernel 5x5, Weight1 2.7, Weight2 0.1

Difference of Gaussians Edge Detection

refers to a specific method of . , common abbreviated as DoG, functions through the implementation of .

A clear and concise description can be found on the Wikipedia Article Page:

In imaging science, difference of Gaussians is a feature enhancement algorithm that involves the subtraction of one blurred version of an original image from another, less blurred version of the original. In the simple case of grayscale images, the blurred images are obtained by convolving the original grayscale images with Gaussian kernels having differing standard deviations. Blurring an image using a Gaussian kernel suppresses only high-frequency spatial information. Subtracting one image from the other preserves spatial information that lies between the range of frequencies that are preserved in the two blurred images. Thus, the difference of Gaussians is a band-pass filter that discards all but a handful of spatial frequencies that are present in the original grayscale image.

In a conventional sense involves applying to created as copies of the original source/input . There must be a difference in the size of the implemented when applying . A typical example would be applying a 3×3 on one copy whilst applying a 5×5 on another copy. The final step requires creating a result populated by subtracting the two blurred copies. The results obtained from subtraction represents the edges forming part of the source/input .

This article extends beyond the conventional method of implementing . The implementation illustrated in this article retains the core concept of subtracting values which have been blurred to different intensities. The implementation method explored here differs from the conventional method in the sense that the implemented do not differ in size. Both are in fact required to have the same size dimensions.

The implemented are equal in terms of their size dimensions, although values are different. Expressed from another angle: equally sized of which one represents a more intense level of than the other. A resulting intensity can be determined by the weight factor implemented when calculating the values.

Frog: Kernel 5×5, Weight1 3.7, Weight2 0.2

Frog: Kernel 5x5, Weight1 3.7, Weight2 0.2

The advantages of implementing equally sized can be described as follows:

Single Convolution implementation:  involves executing several nested code loops. Application performance can be severely negatively impacted when executing large nested loops. The conventional method of implementing generally involves having to implement two instances of , once per copy. The method implemented in this article executes the code loops related to only once. Considering the are equal in size, both can be iterated within the same set of loops.

Eliminating Image subtraction: In conventional implementations expressing differing intensity levels of have to be subtracted. The implementation method described in this article eliminates the need to perform subtraction. When applying using both simultaneously the two results obtained, one  from each , can be subtracted and assigned to the result . In addition, through calculating both results at the same time further reduces the need to create two temporary source copies.

Frog: Kernel 5×5, Weight1 2.4, Weight2 0.3

Frog: Kernel 5x5, Weight1 2.4, Weight2 0.3

Difference of Gaussians Edge Detection Required Steps

When implementing a several steps are required, those steps are detailed as follows:

  1. Calculate Kernels – Before implementing two have to be calculated. The calculated are required to be of equal size and differ in intensity. The sample application allows the user to configure intensity through updating the weight values, expressed as Weight 1 and Weight 2.
  2. Convert Source Image to Grayscale – Applying on   outperforms on RGB . When converting an RGB pixel to a pixel, colour components are combined to form a single gray level intensity. In other words a   consists of a third of the number of pixels when compared to the RGB from which the had been rendered. In the case of an ARGB the derived will be expressed in 25% of the number of pixels forming part of the source ARGB . When applying the number of processor cycles increases when the pixel count increases.
  3. Perform Convolution Implementing Thresholds – Using the newly created perform for both calculated in the first step. The result value equates to subtracting the two results obtained from .  If the result value exceeds the difference between the first and second weight value, the resulting pixel should be set to White, if not, set the result pixel to Black.

Frog: Kernel 5×5, Weight1 2.1, Weight2 0.5

Frog: Kernel 5x5, Weight1 2.1, Weight2 0.5

Calculating Gaussian Convolution Kernels

The sample application implements calculations. The implemented in are calculated at runtime, as opposed to being hard coded. Being able to dynamically construct has the advantage of providing a greater degree of control in runtime regarding application.

Several steps are involved in calculating . The first required step being to determine the Size and Weight. The size and weight factor of a comprises the two configurable values implemented when calculating . In the case of this article and the sample application those values will be configured by the user through the sample application’s user interface.

The formula implemented in calculating can be expressed as follows:

Gaussian Formula

The formula contains a number of symbols, which define how the filter will be implemented. The symbols forming part of the formula are described in the following list:

  • G(x y) – A value calculated using the Kernel formula. This value forms part of a , representing a single element.
  • π – Pi, one of the better known members of the Greek alphabet. The mathematical constant defined as 22 / 7.
  • σ – The lower case version of the Greek alphabet letter Sigma. This symbol simply represents a threshold or factor value, as specified by the user.
  • e – The formula references a lower case e symbol. The symbol represents . The value of has been defined as a mathematical constant equating to 2.71828182846.
  • x, y – The variables referenced as x and y relate to pixel coordinates within an . y Representing the vertical offset or row and x represents the horizontal offset or column.

Note: The formula’s implementation expects x and y to equal zero values when representing the coordinates of the pixel located in the middle of the .

Frog: Kernel 7×7, Weight1 0.1, Weight2 2.0

Frog: Kernel 7x7, Weight1 0.1, Weight2 2.0

Implementing Gaussian Kernel Calculations

The sample application defines the GaussianCalculator.Calculate method. This method accepts two parameters, kernel size and kernel weight. The following code snippet details the implementation:

public static double[,] Calculate(int lenght, double weight) 
    double[,] Kernel = new double [lenght, lenght]; 
    double sumTotal = 0; 

int kernelRadius = lenght / 2; double distance = 0;
double calculatedEuler = 1.0 / (2.0 * Math.PI * Math.Pow(weight, 2));
for (int filterY = -kernelRadius; filterY <= kernelRadius; filterY++) { for (int filterX = -kernelRadius; filterX <= kernelRadius; filterX++) { distance = ((filterX * filterX) + (filterY * filterY)) / (2 * (weight * weight));
Kernel[filterY + kernelRadius, filterX + kernelRadius] = calculatedEuler * Math.Exp(-distance);
sumTotal += Kernel[filterY + kernelRadius, filterX + kernelRadius]; } }
for (int y = 0; y < lenght; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < lenght; x++) { Kernel[y, x] = Kernel[y, x] * (1.0 / sumTotal); } }
return Kernel; }

Frog: Kernel 3×3, Weight1 0.1, Weight2 1.8

Frog: Kernel 3x3, Weight1 0.1, Weight2 1.8

Implementing Difference of Gaussians Edge Detection

The sample source code defines the DifferenceOfGaussianFilter method. This method has been defined as an targeting the class. The following code snippet provides the implementation:

public static Bitmap DifferenceOfGaussianFilter(this Bitmap sourceBitmap,  
                                                int matrixSize, double weight1, 
                                                double weight2) 
    double[,] kernel1 =  
    (weight1 > weight2 ? weight1 : weight2)); 

double[,] kernel2 = GaussianCalculator.Calculate(matrixSize, (weight1 > weight2 ? weight2 : weight1));
BitmapData sourceData = sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte [sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height]; byte[] resultBuffer = new byte [sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height]; byte[] grayscaleBuffer = new byte [sourceData.Width * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length); sourceBitmap.UnlockBits(sourceData);
double rgb = 0;
for (int source = 0, dst = 0; source < pixelBuffer.Length && dst < grayscaleBuffer.Length; source += 4, dst++) { rgb = pixelBuffer * 0.11f; rgb += pixelBuffer * 0.59f; rgb += pixelBuffer * 0.3f;
grayscaleBuffer[dst] = (byte)rgb; }
double color1 = 0.0; double color2 = 0.0;
int filterOffset = (matrixSize - 1) / 2; int calcOffset = 0;
for (int source = 0, dst = 0; source < grayscaleBuffer.Length && dst + 4 < resultBuffer.Length; source++, dst += 4) { color1 = 0; color2 = 0;
for (int filterY = -filterOffset; filterY <= filterOffset; filterY++) { for (int filterX = -filterOffset; filterX <= filterOffset; filterX++) { calcOffset = source + (filterX) + (filterY * sourceBitmap.Width);
calcOffset = (calcOffset < 0 ? 0 : (calcOffset >= grayscaleBuffer.Length ? grayscaleBuffer.Length - 1 : calcOffset));
color1 += (grayscaleBuffer[calcOffset]) * kernel1[filterY + filterOffset, filterX + filterOffset];
color2 += (grayscaleBuffer[calcOffset]) * kernel2[filterY + filterOffset, filterX + filterOffset]; } }
color1 = color1 - color2; color1 = (color1 >= weight1 - weight2 ? 255 : 0);
resultBuffer[dst] = (byte)color1; resultBuffer[dst + 1] = (byte)color1; resultBuffer[dst + 2] = (byte)color1; resultBuffer[dst + 3] = 255; }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);
BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length); resultBitmap.UnlockBits(resultData);
return resultBitmap; }

Frog: Kernel 3×3, Weight1 2.1, Weight2 0.7

Frog: Kernel 3x3, Weight1 2.1, Weight2 0.7

Sample Images

This article features a number of sample images. All featured images have been licensed allowing for reproduction. The following image files feature as sample images:

Panamanian Golden Frog

Panamanian Golden Frog

Dendropsophus Microcephalus

Dendropsophus Microcephalus

Tyler’s Tree Frog

Tyler's Tree Frog

Mimic Poison Frog

Mimic Poison Frog

Phyllobates Terribilis

Phyllobates Terribilis

Related Articles and Feedback

Feedback and questions are always encouraged. If you know of an alternative implementation or have ideas on a more efficient implementation please share in the comments section.

I’ve published a number of articles related to imaging and images of which you can find URL links here:

C# How to: Image ASCII Art

Article Purpose

This article explores the concept of rendering from source . Beyond exploring concepts this article also provides a practical implementation of all the steps required in creating an ASCII Filter.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee: 2 Pixels Per Character, 12 Characters,  Font Size 4, Zoom 100

Sir Tim Berners-Lee 2 Pixels Per Character, 12 Characters,  Font Size 4, Zoom 100

Sample Source Code

This article is accompanied by a sample source code Visual Studio project which is available for download .

Using the Sample Application

The sample source code that accompanies this article includes a sample application. The concepts illustrated in this article can tested and replicated using the sample application.

The sample application user interface implements a variety of functionality which can be described as follows:

  • Loading/Saving Images – Users are able to load source/input from the local system through clicking the Load Image button. Rendered can be saved as an file when clicking the Save Image button.
  • Pixels Per Character – This configuration option determines the number of pixels represented by a single character. Lower values result in better detail/definition and a larger proportional output. Higher values result in less detail/definition and a smaller proportional output.
  • Character Count – The number of unique characters to be rendered can be adjusted through updating this value. This value can be considered similar to number of shades of gray in a  .
  • Font Size – This option determines the Font Size related to the rendered text.
  • Zoom Level – Configure this value in order to apply a scaling level when rendering text.
  • Copy to Clipboard – Copy the current to the Windows Clipboard, in Rich Text Format.

The following image is screenshot of the Image ASCII Art sample application is action:

Image ASCII Art Sample Application

Image ASCII Art Sample Application

Anders Hejlsberg: 1 Pixel Per Character, 24 Characters, Font Size 6, Zoom 20

Anders Hejlsberg: 1 Pixel Per Character, 24 Characters, Font Size 6, Zoom 20

Converting Pixels to Characters

in various forms have been part of computer culture since the pioneering days of computing. From we gain the following:

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963 and ASCII compliant character sets with proprietary extended characters (beyond the 128 characters of standard 7-bit ASCII). The term is also loosely used to refer to text based visual art in general. ASCII art can be created with any text editor, and is often used with free-form languages. Most examples of ASCII art require a fixed-width font (non-proportional fonts, as on a traditional typewriter) such as Courier for presentation.

Among the oldest known examples of ASCII art are the creations by computer-art pioneer Kenneth Knowlton from around 1966, who was working for Bell Labs at the time.[1] "Studies in Perception I" by Ken Knowlton and Leon Harmon from 1966 shows some examples of their early ASCII art.[2]

One of the main reasons ASCII art was born was because early printers often lacked graphics ability and thus characters were used in place of graphic marks. Also, to mark divisions between different print jobs from different users, bulk printers often used ASCII art to print large banners, making the division easier to spot so that the results could be more easily separated by a computer operator or clerk. ASCII art was also used in early e-mail when images could not be embedded.

Bjarne Stroustrup: 1 Pixel Per Character, 12 Characters, Font Size 6, Zoom 60

Bjarne Stroustrup: 1 Pixel Per Character, 12 Characters, Font Size 6, Zoom 60

This article explores the steps involved in rendering text representing , implementing source/input in rendering text representations. The following sections details the steps required to render text from source/input :

  1. Generate Random Characters – Generate a consisting of random characters. The number of characters will be determined through user input relating to the Character Count option. When generating the random ensure that all characters added to the are unique. In addition avoid adding control characters or punctuation characters. Control characters are non-visible characters such as Start of Text, Beep, New Line or Carriage Return. Most punctuation characters occupy a lot less screen space compared to regular alphabet characters.
  2. Determine Row and Column Count – Rows and Columns in terms of the Character Count option indicate the ratio between pixels and characters. The number of rows equate to the height in pixels divided by the Character Count. The number of columns equate to the width in pixels divided by the Character Count.
  3. Iterate Rows/Columns and Determine Colour Averages – Iterate pixels in terms of a rows and columns grid strategy. Calculate the sum total of each grid region’s colour values. Calculate the average/mean colour value through dividing the colour sum total by the Character Count squared.
  4. Map Average Colour Intensity to a Character – Using the average colour values calculate in the previous step, calculate a colour intensity value ranging between 0 and the number of randomly generate characters. The intensity value should be implemented as an array index in accessing the of random characters. All of the pixels included in calculating an average value should be represented by the random character located at the index equating to the colour average intensity value.

Linus Torvalds: 1 Pixel Per Character, 16 Characters, Font Size 5, Zoom 60

Linus Torvalds: 1 Pixel Per Character, 16 Characters, Font Size 5, Zoom 60

Converting Text to an Image

When rendering high definition the resulting text can easily consist of several thousand characters. Attempting to display such a vast number of text in a traditional text editor in most scenarios would be futile. An alternative method of retaining a high definition whilst still being viewable can be achieved through creating an from the rendered text and then reducing the dimensions.

The sample code employs the following steps when converting rendered text to an :

  1. Determine Required Image Dimensions – Determine the dimensions required to fit the rendered text.
  2. Create a new Image and set the background colour – After having determined the required dimensions create a new consisting of those dimensions. Set every pixel in the new to Black.
  3. Draw Rendered Text – The rendered text should be drawn on the new in plain White.
  4. Resize Image – In order to ensure more manageable dimensions resize the with a specified factor.

Alan Turing: 1 Pixel Per Character, 16 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 100

Alan Turing: 1 Pixel Per Character, 16 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 100

Implementing an Image ASCII Filter

The sample source code implements four methods when implementing an ASCII Filter, the methods are:

  • ASCIIFilter
  • GenerateRandomString
  • RandomStringSort
  • GetColorCharacter

The GenerateRandomString  method, as the name implies, generates a consisting of randomly selected characters. The number of characters contained in the will be determined by the parameter value passed to this method. The following code snippet provides the implementation of the GenerateRandomString method:

private static string GenerateRandomString(int maxSize) 
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(maxSize); 
    Random randomChar = new Random(); 

char charValue;
for (int k = 0; k < maxSize; k++) { charValue = (char)(Math.Floor(255 * randomChar.NextDouble() * 4));
if (stringBuilder.ToString().IndexOf(charValue) != -1) { charValue = (char)(Math.Floor((byte)charValue * randomChar.NextDouble())); }
if (Char.IsControl(charValue) == false && Char.IsPunctuation(charValue) == false && stringBuilder.ToString().IndexOf(charValue) == -1) { stringBuilder.Append(charValue); randomChar = new Random((int)((byte)charValue * (k + 1) + DateTime.Now.Ticks)); } else { randomChar = new Random((int)((byte)charValue * (k + 1) + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks)); k -= 1; } }
return stringBuilder.ToString().RandomStringSort(); }

Sir Tim Berners-Lee: 4 Pixels Per Character, 16 Characters, Font Size 6, Zoom 100

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, 4 Pixels Per Character, 16 Characters, Font Size 6, Zoom 100

The RandomStringSort method has been defined as an targeting the . This method provides a means of sorting a in a random manner, in essence shuffling a ’s characters. The definition as follows:

public static string RandomStringSort(this string stringValue) 
    char[] charArray = stringValue.ToCharArray(); 

Random randomIndex = new Random((byte)charArray[0]); int iterator = charArray.Length;
while(iterator > 1) { iterator -= 1;
int nextIndex = randomIndex.Next(iterator + 1);
char nextValue = charArray[nextIndex]; charArray[nextIndex] = charArray[iterator]; charArray[iterator] = nextValue; }
return new string(charArray); }

Anders Hejlsberg: 3 Pixels Per Character, 12 Characters, Font Size 5, Zoom 50

Anders Hejlsberg: 3 Pixels Per Character, 12 Characters, Font Size 5, Zoom 50

The sample source code defines the GetColorCharacter method, intended to map pixels to character values. This method has been defined as an targeting the . The definition as follows:

private static string colorCharacters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; 

private static string GetColorCharacter(int blue, int green, int red) { string colorChar = String.Empty; int intensity = (blue + green + red) / 3 * (colorCharacters.Length - 1) / 255;
colorChar = colorCharacters.Substring(intensity, 1).ToUpper(); colorChar += colorChar.ToLower();
return colorChar; }

Bjarne Stroustrup: 1 Pixel Per Character, 12 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 100

Bjarne Stroustrup: 1 Pixel Per Character, 12 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 100

The ASCIIFilter method defined by the sample source code has the task of translating source/input into text based . This method has been defined as an targeting the class. The following code snippet provides the definition:

public static string ASCIIFilter(this Bitmap sourceBitmap, int pixelBlockSize,  
                                                           int colorCount = 0) 
    BitmapData sourceData = sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, 
                            sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), 

byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length); sourceBitmap.UnlockBits(sourceData);
StringBuilder asciiArt = new StringBuilder();
int avgBlue = 0; int avgGreen = 0; int avgRed = 0; int offset = 0;
int rows = sourceBitmap.Height / pixelBlockSize; int columns = sourceBitmap.Width / pixelBlockSize;
if (colorCount > 0) { colorCharacters = GenerateRandomString(colorCount); }
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) { avgBlue = 0; avgGreen = 0; avgRed = 0;
for (int pY = 0; pY < pixelBlockSize; pY++) { for (int pX = 0; pX < pixelBlockSize; pX++) { offset = y * pixelBlockSize * sourceData.Stride + x * pixelBlockSize * 4;
offset += pY * sourceData.Stride; offset += pX * 4;
avgBlue += pixelBuffer[offset]; avgGreen += pixelBuffer[offset + 1]; avgRed += pixelBuffer[offset + 2]; } }
avgBlue = avgBlue / (pixelBlockSize * pixelBlockSize); avgGreen = avgGreen / (pixelBlockSize * pixelBlockSize); avgRed = avgRed / (pixelBlockSize * pixelBlockSize);
asciiArt.Append(GetColorCharacter(avgBlue, avgGreen, avgRed)); }
asciiArt.Append("\r\n" ); }
return asciiArt.ToString(); }

Linus Torvalds: 1 Pixel Per Character, 8 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 80

Linus Torvalds: 1 Pixel Per Character, 8 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 80

Implementing Text to Image Functionality

The sample source code implements the GDI+ class when drawing rendered text onto . The sample source code defines the TextToImage method, an extending the . The definition listed as follows:

public static Bitmap TextToImage(this string text, Font font,  
                                                float factor) 
    Bitmap textBitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1); 

Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(textBitmap);
int width = (int)Math.Ceiling( graphics.MeasureString(text, font).Width * factor);
int height = (int)Math.Ceiling( graphics.MeasureString(text, font).Height * factor);
textBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
graphics = Graphics.FromImage(textBitmap); graphics.Clear(Color.Black);
graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
graphics.ScaleTransform(factor, factor); graphics.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.White, new PointF(0, 0));
graphics.Flush(); graphics.Dispose();
return textBitmap; }

Sir Tim Berners-Lee: 1 Pixel Per Character, 32 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 100

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, 1 Pixel Per Character, 32 Characters, Font Size 4, Zoom 100

Sample Images

This article features a number of sample images. All featured images have been licensed allowing for reproduction. The following image files feature a sample images:

The following section lists the original image files that were used as source/input images in generating the images found throughout this article.

Alan Turing

Alan Turing

Anders Hejlsberg

Anders Hejlsberg

Bjarne Stroustrup

Bjarne Stroustrup

Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds

Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee

Related Articles and Feedback

Feedback and questions are always encouraged. If you know of an alternative implementation or have ideas on a more efficient implementation please share in the comments section.

I’ve published a number of articles related to imaging and images of which you can find URL links here:

C# How to: Stained Glass Image Filter

Article Purpose

This article serves to provides a detailed discussion and implementation of a Stained Glass Image Filter. Primary topics explored include: Creating , Pixel Coordinate distance calculations implementing , and methods. In addition, this article explores Gradient Based implementing thresholds.

Zurich: Block Size 15, Factor 4, Euclidean

Zurich Block Size 15 Factor 4 Euclidean

Sample Source Code

This article is accompanied by a sample source code Visual Studio project which is available for download .

Using the Sample Application

This article’s accompanying sample source code includes a based sample application. The sample application provides an implementation of the concepts explored by this article. Concepts discussed can be easily replicated and tested by using the sample application.

Source/input files can be specified from the local system when clicking the Load Image button. Additionally users also have the option to save resulting filtered by clicking the Save Image button.

The sample application through its user interface allows a user to specify several filter configuration options. Two main categories of configuration options have been defined as Block Properties and Edge Properties.

Block Properties relate to  the process of rendering  . The following configuration options have been implemented:

  • Block Size – During the process of rendering a regions or blocks of equal shape and size have to be defined. These uniform regions/blocks form the basis of rendering uniquely shaped regions later on. The Block Size option determines the width and height of an individual region/block. Larger values result in larger non-uniform regions being rendered. Smaller values in return result in smaller non-uniform regions being rendered.
  • Distance Factor – The Distance Factor option determines the extent to which a pixel’s containing region will be calculated. Possible values range from 1 to 4 inclusive. A Distance Factor value of 4 equates to precise calculation of a pixel’s containing region, whereas a value of 1 results in containing regions often registering pixels that should be part of a neighbouring region. Values closer to 4 result in more varied region shapes. Values closer to 1 result in regions being rendered having more of a uniform shape/pattern.
  • Distance Formula – The distance between a pixel’s coordinates and a region’s outline determines whether that pixel should be considered part of a region. The sample application implements three different methods of calculating pixel distance: , and methods. Each result in region shapes being rendered differently.

Salzburg: Block Size 20, Factor 1, Chebyshev, Edge Threshold 2 

Saltzburg Block Size 20 Factor 1 Chebyshev Edge Threshold 2

Edge Properties relate to the implementation of Image Gradient Based Edge Detection. is an optional filter and can be enabled/disabled through the user interface, The implementation of serves to highlight/outline regions rendered as part of a . The configuration options implemented are:

  • Highlight Edges – Boolean value indicating whether or not should be applied
  • Threshold – In calculating a threshold value determines if a pixel forms part of an edge. Higher threshold values result in less being expressed. Lower threshold values result in more being expressed.
  • Colour – If a pixel has been determined as forming part of an , the resulting pixel colour will be determined by the colour value specified by the user.

The following image is a screenshot of the Stained Glass Image Filter sample application in action:

Stained Glass Image Filter Sample Application 

Locarno: Block Size 10, Factor 4, Euclidean

Locarno Block Size 10 Factor 4 Euclidean

Stained Glass

The Stained Glass Image Filter detailed in this article operates on the basis of implementing modifications upon a specified sample/input , producing resulting which resemble the appearance of stained glass artwork.

A common variant of stained glass artwork comes in the form of several individual pieces of coloured glass being combined in order to create an . The sample source code employs a similar  method of combining what appears to be non-uniform puzzle pieces. The following list provides a broad overview of the steps involved in applying a Stained Glass Image Filter:

  1. Render a Voronoi Diagram – Through rendering a the resulting will be divided into a number of regions. Each region being intended to represent an individual glass puzzle piece. The following section of this article provides a detailed discussion on rendering .
  2. Assign each Pixel to a Voronoi Diagram Region – Each pixel forming part of the source/input should be iterated. Whilst iterating pixels determine the region to which a pixel should be associated. A pixel should be associated to the region whose border has been determined the nearest to the pixel. In a following section of this article a detailed discussion regarding Pixel Coordinate Distance Calculations can be found.
  3. Determine each Region’s Colour Mean – Each region will only express a single colour value. A region’s colour equates to the average colour as expressed by all the pixels forming part of a region. Once the average colour value of a region has been determined every pixel forming part of that region should be set to the average colour.
  4. Implement Edge Detection – If the user configuration option indicates that should be implemented, apply Gradient Based Edge Detection. This method of has been discussed in detailed in a following section of this article.

Bad Ragaz: Block Size 10, Factor 1, Manhattan 

Bad Ragaz Block Size 10 Factor 1 Manhattan

Voronoi Diagrams

represent a fairly uncomplicated concept. In contrast, the implementation of prove somewhat more of a challenge. From we gain the following :

In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions. A set of points (called seeds, sites, or generators) is specified beforehand and for each seed there will be a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. The regions are called Voronoi cells. It is dual to the Delaunay triangulation.

In this article are generated resulting in regions expressing random shapes. Although region shapes are randomly generated, the parameters or ranges within which random values are selected are fixed/constant. The steps required in generating a can be detailed as follows:

  1. Define fixed size square regions – By making use of the user specified Block/Region Size value, group pixels together into square regions.
  2. Determine a Seed Value for Random number generation – Determine the sum total of pixel colour components of all the pixels forming part of a square region. The colour sum total value should be used as a seed value when generating random numbers in the next step.
  3. Determine a Random XY coordinate within each square region – Generate two random numbers, specifying each region’s coordinate boundaries as minimum and maximum boundaries in generating random numbers. Keep record of every new randomly generated XY-Coordinate value.
  4. Associate Pixels and Regions – A pixel should be associated to the Random Coordinate point nearest to that pixel. Determine the Random Coordinate nearest to each pixel in the source/input image. The method implemented in calculating coordinate distance depends on the configuration value specified by the user.
  5. Set Region Colours – Each pixel forming part of the same region should be set to the same colour. The colour assigned to a region’s pixels will be determined by the average colour value of the region’s pixels.

The following image illustrates an example consisting of 10 regions:


Port Edward: Block Size 10, Factor 1, Chebyshev, Edge Threshold 2

Port Edward Block Size 10 Factor 1 Chebyshev Edge Threshold 2

Calculating Pixel Coordinate Distances

The sample source code provides three different coordinate distance calculation methods. The supported methods are: , and . A pixel’s nearest randomly generated coordinate depends on the distance between that pixel and the random coordinate. Each method of calculating distance in most instances would be likely to produce different output values, which in turn influences the region to which a pixel will be associated.

The most common method of distance calculation, , has been described by as follows:

In mathematics, the Euclidean distance or Euclidean metric is the "ordinary" distance between two points that one would measure with a ruler, and is given by the Pythagorean formula. By using this formula as distance, Euclidean space (or even any inner product space) becomes a metric space. The associated norm is called the Euclidean norm. Older literature refers to the metric as Pythagorean metric.

When calculating the algorithm implemented can be expressed as follows:

Euclidean Distance Algorithm

Zurich: Block Size 10, Factor 1, Euclidean

Zurich Block Size 10 Factor 1 Euclidean

As an alternative to calculating , the sample source code also implements calculation. Often calculation will be referred to as , or . From we gain the following :

Taxicab geometry, considered by Hermann Minkowski in the 19th century, is a form of geometry in which the usual distance function or metric of Euclidean geometry is replaced by a new metric in which the distance between two points is the sum of the absolute differences of their coordinates. The taxicab metric is also known as rectilinear distance, L1 distance or \ell_1 norm (see Lp space), city block distance, Manhattan distance, or Manhattan length, with corresponding variations in the name of the geometry.[1] The latter names allude to the grid layout of most streets on the island of Manhattan, which causes the shortest path a car could take between two intersections in the borough to have length equal to the intersections’ distance in taxicab geometry

When calculating the algorithm implemented can be expressed as follows:

Manhattan Distance Algorithm

Port Edward: Block Size 10, Factor 4, Euclidean

Port Edward Block Size 10 Factor 4 Euclidean

, a distance algorithm resembling the way in which a King Chess piece may move on a chess board. The following we gain from :

In mathematics, Chebyshev distance (or Tchebychev distance), Maximum metric, or L∞ metric[1] is a metric defined on a vector space where the distance between two vectors is the greatest of their differences along any coordinate dimension.[2] It is named after Pafnuty Chebyshev.

It is also known as chessboard distance, since in the game of chess the minimum number of moves needed by a king to go from one square on a chessboard to another equals the Chebyshev distance between the centers of the squares, if the squares have side length one, as represented in 2-D spatial coordinates with axes aligned to the edges of the board.[3] For example, the Chebyshev distance between f6 and e2 equals 4.

When calculating the algorithm implemented can be expressed as follows:

Chebyshev Distance Algorithm

Salzburg: Block Size 20, Factor 1, Chebyshev

Salzburg Block Size 20 Factor 1 Chebyshev

Gradient Based Edge Detection

Various methods of can easily be implemented in C#. Each method of provides a set of benefits, usually weighed against a set of trade-offs. In this article and the accompanying sample source code the Gradient Based Edge Detection method has been implement.

Take into regard that every region within the rendered will only express a single colour, although most regions differ in the single colour they express. Once all pixels have been associated to a region and all pixel colour values have been updated the resulting defines mostly clearly distinguishable  colour gradients. A method of performs efficiently at detecting . The edges detected are defined between different regions.

An can be considered as a difference in colour intensity relating to a specific direction. Only once all tasks related to applying the Stained Glass Filter have been completed should the Gradient Based Edge Detection be applied. The steps involved in applying Gradient Based Edge Detection can be described as follows:

  1. Iterate each pixel – Each pixel forming part of a source/input image should be iterated.
  2. Determine Horizontal and Vertical Gradients – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s left and right neighbour pixel as well as the top and bottom neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  3. Determine Horizontal Gradient – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s left and right neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  4. Determine Vertical Gradient – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s top and bottom neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  5. Determine Diagonal Gradients – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s North-Western and South-Eastern neighbour pixel as well as the North-Eastern and South-Western neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  6. Determine NW-SE Gradient – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s North-Western and South-Eastern neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  7. Determine NE-SW Gradient  – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s North-Eastern and South-Western neighbour pixel.
  8. Determine and set result pixel value – If any of the six gradients calculated exceeded the specified threshold value set the related pixel in the resulting image to the Edge Colour specified by the user, if not, set the related pixel equal to the source pixel colour value.

Zurich: Block Size 10, Factor 4, Chebyshev

Zurich Block Size 10 Factor 4 Chebyshev 

Implementing a Stained Glass Image Filter

The sample source code defines two helper classes, both implemented when applying the Stained Glass Image Filter. The Pixel class represents a single pixel in terms of an XY-Coordinate and Red, Green and Blue values. The definition as follows:

public class Pixel  
    private int xOffset = 0; 
    public int XOffset 
        get { return xOffset; } set { xOffset = value; } 

private int yOffset = 0; public int YOffset { get { return yOffset; } set { yOffset = value; } }
private byte blue = 0; public byte Blue { get { return blue; } set { blue = value; } }
private byte green = 0; public byte Green { get { return green; } set { green = value; } }
private byte red = 0; public byte Red { get { return red; } set { red = value; } } }

Zurich: Block Size 10, Factor 1, Chebyshev, Edge Threshold 1

Zurich Block Size 10 Factor 1 Chebyshev Edge Threshold 1

The VoronoiPoint class serves as method of recording randomly generated coordinates and referencing a region’s associated pixels. The definition as follows:

public class VoronoiPoint 
    private int xOffset = 0; 
    public int XOffset 
        get  { return xOffset; } set { xOffset = value; }

private int yOffset = 0; public int YOffset { get { return yOffset; } set { yOffset = value; } }
private int blueTotal = 0; public int BlueTotal { get { return blueTotal; } set { blueTotal = value; } }
private int greenTotal = 0; public int GreenTotal { get {return greenTotal; } set { greenTotal = value; } }
private int redTotal = 0; public int RedTotal { get { return redTotal; } set { redTotal = value; } }
public void CalculateAverages() { if (pixelCollection.Count > 0) { blueAverage = blueTotal / pixelCollection.Count; greenAverage = greenTotal / pixelCollection.Count; redAverage = redTotal / pixelCollection.Count; } }
private int blueAverage = 0; public int BlueAverage { get { return blueAverage; } }
private int greenAverage = 0; public int GreenAverage { get { return greenAverage; } }
private int redAverage = 0; public int RedAverage { get { return redAverage; } }
private List<Pixel> pixelCollection = new List<Pixel>(); public List<Pixel> PixelCollection { get { return pixelCollection; } }
public void AddPixel(Pixel pixel) { blueTotal += pixel.Blue; greenTotal += pixel.Green; redTotal += pixel.Red;
pixelCollection.Add(pixel); } }

Zurich: Block Size 20, Factor 1, Euclidean, Edge Threshold 1

Zurich Block Size 20 Factor 1 Euclidean Edge Threshold 1

From the perspective of a filter implementation code base the only requirement comes in the form of having to invoke the StainedGlassColorFilter , no additional work is required from external code consumers. The StainedGlassColorFilter method has been defined as an targeting the class. The StainedGlassColorFilter method definition as follows:

public static Bitmap StainedGlassColorFilter(this Bitmap sourceBitmap,  
                                             int blockSize, double blockFactor, 
                                             DistanceFormulaType distanceType, 
                                             bool highlightEdges,  
                                             byte edgeThreshold, Color edgeColor) 
    BitmapData sourceData = 
               sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 
               sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), 

byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length);
int neighbourHoodTotal = 0; int sourceOffset = 0; int resultOffset = 0; int currentPixelDistance = 0; int nearestPixelDistance = 0; int nearesttPointIndex = 0;
Random randomizer = new Random();
List<VoronoiPoint> randomPointList = new List<VoronoiPoint>();
for (int row = 0; row < sourceBitmap.Height - blockSize; row += blockSize) { for (int col = 0; col < sourceBitmap.Width - blockSize; col += blockSize) { sourceOffset = row * sourceData.Stride + col * 4;
neighbourHoodTotal = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < blockSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < blockSize; x++) { resultOffset = sourceOffset + y * sourceData.Stride + x * 4; neighbourHoodTotal += pixelBuffer[resultOffset]; neighbourHoodTotal += pixelBuffer[resultOffset + 1]; neighbourHoodTotal += pixelBuffer[resultOffset + 2]; } }
randomizer = new Random(neighbourHoodTotal);
VoronoiPoint randomPoint = new VoronoiPoint(); randomPoint.XOffset = randomizer.Next(0, blockSize) + col; randomPoint.YOffset = randomizer.Next(0, blockSize) + row;
randomPointList.Add(randomPoint); } }
int rowOffset = 0; int colOffset = 0;
for (int bufferOffset = 0; bufferOffset < pixelBuffer.Length - 4; bufferOffset += 4) { rowOffset = bufferOffset / sourceData.Stride; colOffset = (bufferOffset % sourceData.Stride) / 4;
currentPixelDistance = 0; nearestPixelDistance = blockSize * 4; nearesttPointIndex = 0;
List<VoronoiPoint> pointSubset = new List<VoronoiPoint>();
pointSubset.AddRange(from t in randomPointList where rowOffset >= t.YOffset - blockSize * 2 && rowOffset <= t.YOffset + blockSize * 2 select t);
for (int k = 0; k < pointSubset.Count; k++) { if (distanceType == DistanceFormulaType.Euclidean) { currentPixelDistance = CalculateDistanceEuclidean(pointSubset[k].XOffset, colOffset, pointSubset[k].YOffset, rowOffset); } else if (distanceType == DistanceFormulaType.Manhattan) { currentPixelDistance = CalculateDistanceManhattan(pointSubset[k].XOffset, colOffset, pointSubset[k].YOffset, rowOffset); } else if (distanceType == DistanceFormulaType.Chebyshev) { currentPixelDistance = CalculateDistanceChebyshev(pointSubset[k].XOffset, colOffset, pointSubset[k].YOffset, rowOffset); } if (currentPixelDistance <= nearestPixelDistance) { nearestPixelDistance = currentPixelDistance; nearesttPointIndex = k; if (nearestPixelDistance <= blockSize / blockFactor) { break; } } }
Pixel tmpPixel = new Pixel (); tmpPixel.XOffset = colOffset; tmpPixel.YOffset = rowOffset; tmpPixel.Blue = pixelBuffer[bufferOffset]; tmpPixel.Green = pixelBuffer[bufferOffset + 1]; tmpPixel.Red = pixelBuffer[bufferOffset + 2];
pointSubset[nearesttPointIndex].AddPixel(tmpPixel); }
for (int k = 0; k < randomPointList.Count; k++) { randomPointList[k].CalculateAverages();
for (int i = 0; i < randomPointList[k].PixelCollection.Count; i++) { resultOffset = randomPointList[k].PixelCollection[i].YOffset * sourceData.Stride + randomPointList[k].PixelCollection[i].XOffset * 4;
resultBuffer[resultOffset] = (byte)randomPointList[k].BlueAverage; resultBuffer[resultOffset + 1] = (byte)randomPointList[k].GreenAverage; resultBuffer[resultOffset + 2] = (byte)randomPointList[k].RedAverage;
resultBuffer[resultOffset + 3] = 255; } }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);
BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length);
if (highlightEdges == true ) { resultBitmap = resultBitmap.GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter(edgeColor, edgeThreshold); }
return resultBitmap; }

Locarno: Block Size 10, Factor 4, Euclidean, Edge Threshold 1

Locarno Block Size 10 Factor 4 Euclidean Edge Threshold 1

Implementing Pixel Coordinate Distance Calculations

As mentioned earlier, this article and the accompanying sample source code support coordinate distance calculations through three different calculation methods, namely , and . The method of distance calculation implemented depends on the configuration option specified by the user.

The CalculateDistanceEuclidean method calculates distance implementing the Calculation method. In order to aid faster execution this method will calculate the square root of a specific value only once. Once a square root has been calculated the result is kept in memory. The following code snippet lists the definition of the CalculateDistanceEuclidean method:

private static Dictionary <int,int> squareRoots = new Dictionary<int,int>(); 

private static int CalculateDistanceEuclidean(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) { int square = (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2);
if(squareRoots.ContainsKey(square) == false) { squareRoots.Add(square, (int)Math.Sqrt(square)); }
return squareRoots[square]; }

The two other methods of calculating distance are implemented through the CalculateDistanceManhattan and CalculateDistanceChebyshev methods. The definition as follows:

private static int CalculateDistanceManhattan(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) 
    return Math.Abs(x1 - x2) + Math.Abs(y1 - y2); 

private static int CalculateDistanceChebyshev(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) { return Math.Max(Math.Abs(x1 - x2), Math.Abs(y1 - y2)); }

Bad Ragaz: Block Size 12, Factor 1, Chebyshev

Bad Ragaz Block Size 12 Factor 1 Chebyshev

Implementing Gradient Based Edge Detection

Did you notice the very last step performed by the StainedGlassColorFilter method involves implementing Gradient Based Edge Detection, depending on whether had been specified by the user.

The following code snippet provides the implementation of the GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter extension method:

public static Bitmap GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter( 
                this Bitmap sourceBitmap, 
                Color edgeColour, 
                byte threshold = 0) 
    BitmapData sourceData = 
               sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, 
               sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), 

byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height]; byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length); Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, resultBuffer, 0, resultBuffer.Length);
int sourceOffset = 0, gradientValue = 0; bool exceedsThreshold = false;
for(int offsetY = 1; offsetY < sourceBitmap.Height - 1; offsetY++) { for(int offsetX = 1; offsetX < sourceBitmap.Width - 1; offsetX++) { sourceOffset = offsetY * sourceData.Stride + offsetX * 4; gradientValue = 0; exceedsThreshold = true;
// Horizontal Gradient CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4, sourceOffset + 4, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2); // Vertical Gradient exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2);
if (exceedsThreshold == false) { gradientValue = 0;
// Horizontal Gradient exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4, sourceOffset + 4, ref gradientValue, threshold);
if (exceedsThreshold == false) { gradientValue = 0;
// Vertical Gradient exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold);
if (exceedsThreshold == false) { gradientValue = 0;
// Diagonal Gradient : NW-SE CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4 - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + 4 + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2); // Diagonal Gradient : NE-SW exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride + 4, sourceOffset - 4 + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2);
if (exceedsThreshold == false) { gradientValue = 0;
// Diagonal Gradient : NW-SE exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4 - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + 4 + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold);
if (exceedsThreshold == false) { gradientValue = 0;
// Diagonal Gradient : NE-SW exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride + 4, sourceOffset + sourceData.Stride - 4, ref gradientValue, threshold); } } } } }
if (exceedsThreshold == true) { resultBuffer[sourceOffset] = edgeColour.B; resultBuffer[sourceOffset + 1] = edgeColour.G; resultBuffer[sourceOffset + 2] = edgeColour.R; }
resultBuffer[sourceOffset + 3] = 255; } }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap (sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height); BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode .WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length); resultBitmap.UnlockBits(resultData);
return resultBitmap; }

Zurich: Block Size 15, Factor 1, Manhattan, Edge Threshold 1

Zurich Block Size 15 Factor 1 Manhattan Edge Threshold 1

Sample Images

This article features a rendered graphic illustrating an example which has been released into the public domain by its author, Augochy at the wikipedia project. This applies worldwide. The original can be downloaded from .

All of the photos that appear in this article were taken by myself. Photos listed under Zurich, Locarno and Bad Ragaz were shot in Switzerland. The photo listed as Salzburg had been shot in Austria and the photo listed under Port Edward had been shot in South Africa. In order to fully realize the extent to which had been modified the following section details the original photos.

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg, Austria

Locarno, Switzerland

Locarno, Switzerland

Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

Port Edward, South Africa

Port Edward, South Africa

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

Related Articles and Feedback

Feedback and questions are always encouraged. If you know of an alternative implementation or have ideas on a more efficient implementation please share in the comments section.

I’ve published a number of articles related to imaging and images of which you can find URL links here:

C# How to: Oil Painting and Cartoon Filter

Article Purpose

This article illustrates and provides a discussion and implementation of Oil Painting Filters and related Image Cartoon Filters.

Sunflower: Oil Painting, Filter 5, Levels 30, Cartoon Threshold 30

Sunflower Oil Painting Filter 5 Levels 30 Cartoon Threshold 30

Sample Source Code

This article is accompanied by a sample source code Visual Studio project which is available for download .

Using the Sample Application

A sample application accompanies this article. The sample application creates a visual implementation of the concepts discussed throughout this article. Source/input can be selected from the local system and if desired filter result images can be saved to the local file system.

The two main types of functionality exposed by the sample application can be described as Image Oil Painting Filters and Image Cartoon Filters. The user interface provides the following user input options:

  • Filter Size – The number of neighbouring pixels used in calculating each individual pixel value in regards to an Oil Painting Filter. Higher Filter sizes relate to a more intense Oil Painting Filter being applied. Lower Filter sizes relate to less intense Oil Painting Filters being applied.
  • Intensity Levels – Represents the number of Intensity Levels implemented when applying an Oil Painting Filter. Higher values result in a broader range of colour intensities forming part of the result . Lower values will reduce the range of colour intensities forming part of the result .
  • Cartoon Filter – A Boolean value indicating whether or not in addition to an Oil Painting Filter if a Cartoon Filter should also be applied.
  • Threshold – Only applicable when applying a Cartoon Filter. This option represents the threshold value implemented in determining whether a pixel forms part of an . Lower Values result in more being highlighted. Higher values result in less being highlighted.

The following image is screenshot of the Oil Painting Cartoon Filter sample application in action:


Rose: Oil Painting, Filter 15, Levels 10

Rose Oil Painting Filter 15 Levels 10

Image Oil Painting Filter

The Image Oil Painting Filter consists of two main components: colour gradients and pixel colour intensities. As implied by the title when implementing this resulting are similar in appearance to of Oil Paintings. Result express a lesser degree of detail when compared to source/input . This filter also tends to output which appear to have smaller colour ranges.

Four steps are required when implementing an Oil Painting Filter, indicated as follows:

  1. Iterate each pixel – Every pixel forming part of the source/input should be iterated. When iterating a pixel determine the neighbouring pixel values based on the specified filter size/filter range.
  2. Calculate Colour Intensity -  Determine the Colour Intensity of each pixel being iterated and that of the neighbouring pixels. The neighbouring pixels included should extend to a range determined by the Filter Size specified. The calculated value should be reduced in order to match a value ranging from zero to the number of Intensity Levels specified.
  3. Determine maximum neighbourhood colour intensity – When calculating the colour intensities of a pixel neighbourhood determine the maximum intensity value. In addition, record the occurrence of each intensity level and sum each of the Red, Green and Blue pixel colour component values equating to the same intensity level.
  4. Assign the result pixel – The value assigned to the corresponding pixel in the resulting equates to the pixel colour sum total, where those pixels expressed the same intensity level. The sum total should be averaged by dividing the colour sum total by the intensity level occurrence.

Roses: Oil Painting, Filter 11, Levels 60, Cartoon Threshold 80

Roses Oil Painting Filter 11 Levels 60 Cartoon Threshold 80

When calculating colour intensity reduced to fit the number of levels specified  the algorithm implemented can be expressed as follows:

Colour Intensity Level Algorithm

In the algorithm listed above the variables implemented can be explained as follows:

  • I – Intensity: The calculated intensity value.
  • R – Red: The value of a pixel’s Red colour component.
  • G – Green: The value of a pixel’s Green colour component.
  • B – Blue: The value of a pixel’s Blue colour component.
  • l – Number of intensity levels: The maximum number of intensity levels specified.

Rose: Oil Painting, Filter 15, Levels 30

Rose Oil Painting Filter 15 Levels 30

Cartoon Filter implementing Edge Detection

A Cartoon Filter effect can be achieved by combining an Image Oil Painting filter and an Edge Detection Filter. The Oil Painting filter has the effect of creating more gradual colour gradients, in other words reducing edge intensity.

The steps required in implementing a Cartoon filter can be listed as follows:

  1. Apply Oil Painting filter – Applying an Oil Painting Filter creates the perception of result having been painted by hand.
  2. Implement Edge Detection – Using the original source/input create a new binary detailing .
  3. Overlay edges on Oil Painting image – Iterate each pixel forming part of the edge detected . If the pixel being iterated forms part of an edge, the related pixel in the Oil Painting filtered should be set to black. Because the edge detected was created as a binary , a pixel forms part of an edge should that pixel equate to white.

Daisy: Oil Painting, Filter 7, Levels 30, Cartoon Threshold 40 

Daisy Oil Painting Filter 7 Levels 30 Cartoon Threshold 40

In the sample source code has been implemented through Gradient Based Edge Detection. This method of compares the difference in colour gradients between a pixel’s neighbouring pixels. A pixel forms part of an edge if the difference in neighbouring pixel colour values exceeds a specified threshold value. The steps involved in Gradient Based Edge Detection as follows:

  1. Iterate each pixel – Each pixel forming part of a source/input should be iterated.
  2. Determine Horizontal and Vertical Gradients – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s left and right neighbour pixel as well as the top and bottom neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  3. Determine Horizontal Gradient – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s left and right neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  4. Determine Vertical Gradient – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s top and bottom neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  5. Determine Diagonal Gradients – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s North-Western and South-Eastern neighbour pixel as well as the North-Eastern and South-Western neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  6. Determine NW-SE Gradient – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s North-Western and South-Eastern neighbour pixel. If the gradient exceeds the specified threshold continue to step 8.
  7. Determine NE-SW Gradient  – Calculate the colour value difference between the currently iterated pixel’s North-Eastern and South-Western neighbour pixel.
  8. Determine and set result pixel value – If any of the six gradients calculated exceeded the specified threshold value set the related pixel in the resulting image to white, if not, set the related pixel to black.

Rose: Oil Painting, Filter 9, Levels 30

Rose Oil Painting Filter 9 Levels 30

Implementing an Oil Painting Filter

The sample source code defines the OilPaintFilter method, an targeting the class. method determines the maximum colour intensity from a pixel’s neighbouring pixels. The definition detailed as follows:

public static Bitmap OilPaintFilter(this Bitmap sourceBitmap, 
                                       int levels, 
                                       int filterSize) 
    BitmapData sourceData = 
               sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 
               sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), 

byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length);
int[] intensityBin = new int [levels]; int[] blueBin = new int [levels]; int[] greenBin = new int [levels]; int[] redBin = new int [levels];
levels = levels - 1;
int filterOffset = (filterSize - 1) / 2; int byteOffset = 0; int calcOffset = 0; int currentIntensity = 0; int maxIntensity = 0; int maxIndex = 0;
double blue = 0; double green = 0; double red = 0;
for (int offsetY = filterOffset; offsetY < sourceBitmap.Height - filterOffset; offsetY++) { for (int offsetX = filterOffset; offsetX < sourceBitmap.Width - filterOffset; offsetX++) { blue = green = red = 0;
currentIntensity = maxIntensity = maxIndex = 0;
intensityBin = new int[levels + 1]; blueBin = new int[levels + 1]; greenBin = new int[levels + 1]; redBin = new int[levels + 1];
byteOffset = offsetY * sourceData.Stride + offsetX * 4;
for (int filterY = -filterOffset; filterY <= filterOffset; filterY++) { for (int filterX = -filterOffset; filterX <= filterOffset; filterX++) { calcOffset = byteOffset + (filterX * 4) + (filterY * sourceData.Stride);
currentIntensity = (int )Math.Round(((double) (pixelBuffer[calcOffset] + pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 1] + pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 2]) / 3.0 * (levels)) / 255.0);
intensityBin[currentIntensity] += 1; blueBin[currentIntensity] += pixelBuffer[calcOffset]; greenBin[currentIntensity] += pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 1]; redBin[currentIntensity] += pixelBuffer[calcOffset + 2];
if (intensityBin[currentIntensity] > maxIntensity) { maxIntensity = intensityBin[currentIntensity]; maxIndex = currentIntensity; } } }
blue = blueBin[maxIndex] / maxIntensity; green = greenBin[maxIndex] / maxIntensity; red = redBin[maxIndex] / maxIntensity;
resultBuffer[byteOffset] = ClipByte(blue); resultBuffer[byteOffset + 1] = ClipByte(green); resultBuffer[byteOffset + 2] = ClipByte(red); resultBuffer[byteOffset + 3] = 255; } }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);
BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length);
return resultBitmap; }

Rose: Oil Painting, Filter 7, Levels 20, Cartoon Threshold 20

Rose Oil Painting Filter 7 Levels 20 Cartoon Threshold 20

Implementing a Cartoon Filter using Edge Detection

The sample source code defines the CheckThreshold method. The purpose of this method to determine the difference in colour between two pixels. In addition this method compares the colour difference and the specified threshold value. The following code snippet provides the implementation:

private static bool CheckThreshold(byte[] pixelBuffer,  
                                   int offset1, int offset2,  
                                   ref int gradientValue,  
                                   byte threshold,  
                                   int divideBy = 1) 
    gradientValue += 
    Math.Abs(pixelBuffer[offset1] - 
    pixelBuffer[offset2]) / divideBy; 

gradientValue += Math.Abs(pixelBuffer[offset1 + 1] - pixelBuffer[offset2 + 1]) / divideBy;
gradientValue += Math.Abs(pixelBuffer[offset1 + 2] - pixelBuffer[offset2 + 2]) / divideBy;
return (gradientValue >= threshold); }

Rose: Oil Painting, Filter 13, Levels 15

Rose Oil Painting Filter 13 Levels 15

The GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter method has been defined as an targeting the class. This method iterates each pixel forming part of the source/input . Whilst iterating pixels the GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter determines if the colour gradients in various directions exceeds the specified threshold value. A pixel is considered as part of an edge if a colour gradient exceeds the threshold value. The implementation as follows:

public static Bitmap GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter( 
                        this Bitmap sourceBitmap, 
                        byte threshold = 0) 
    BitmapData sourceData = 
               sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, 
               sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), 

byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height]; byte[] resultBuffer = new byte[sourceData.Stride * sourceData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length); sourceBitmap.UnlockBits(sourceData);
int sourceOffset = 0, gradientValue = 0; bool exceedsThreshold = false;
for(int offsetY = 1; offsetY < sourceBitmap.Height - 1; offsetY++) { for(int offsetX = 1; offsetX < sourceBitmap.Width - 1; offsetX++) { sourceOffset = offsetY * sourceData.Stride + offsetX * 4; gradientValue = 0; exceedsThreshold = true ;
// Horizontal Gradient CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4, sourceOffset + 4, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2); // Vertical Gradient exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2);
if (exceedsThreshold == false ) { gradientValue = 0;
// Horizontal Gradient exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4, sourceOffset + 4, ref gradientValue, threshold);
if (exceedsThreshold == false ) { gradientValue = 0; // Vertical Gradient exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold);
if (exceedsThreshold == false ) { gradientValue = 0; // Diagonal Gradient : NW-SE CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4 - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + 4 + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2); // Diagonal Gradient : NE-SW exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride + 4, sourceOffset - 4 + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold, 2);
if (exceedsThreshold == false ) { gradientValue = 0; // Diagonal Gradient : NW-SE exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - 4 - sourceData.Stride, sourceOffset + 4 + sourceData.Stride, ref gradientValue, threshold);
if (exceedsThreshold == false ) { gradientValue = 0; // Diagonal Gradient : NE-SW exceedsThreshold = CheckThreshold(pixelBuffer, sourceOffset - sourceData.Stride + 4, sourceOffset + sourceData.Stride - 4, ref gradientValue, threshold); } } } } }
resultBuffer[sourceOffset] = (byte)(exceedsThreshold ? 255 : 0); resultBuffer[sourceOffset + 1] = resultBuffer[sourceOffset]; resultBuffer[sourceOffset + 2] = resultBuffer[sourceOffset]; resultBuffer[sourceOffset + 3] = 255; } }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);
BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length); resultBitmap.UnlockBits(resultData);
return resultBitmap; }

Rose: Oil Painting, Filter 7, Levels 20, Cartoon Threshold 20

Rose Oil Painting Filter 7 Levels 20 Cartoon Threshold 20

The CartoonFilter serves to combine generated by the OilPaintFilter and GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter methods. The CartoonFilter method being defined as an targets the class. In this method pixels detected as forming part of an edge are set to black in Oil Painting filtered . The definition as follows:

public static Bitmap CartoonFilter(this Bitmap sourceBitmap,
                                       int levels, 
                                       int filterSize, 
                                       byte threshold) 
    Bitmap paintFilterImage =  
           sourceBitmap.OilPaintFilter(levels, filterSize);

Bitmap edgeDetectImage = sourceBitmap.GradientBasedEdgeDetectionFilter(threshold);
BitmapData paintData = paintFilterImage.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, paintFilterImage.Width, paintFilterImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
byte[] paintPixelBuffer = new byte[paintData.Stride * paintData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(paintData.Scan0, paintPixelBuffer, 0, paintPixelBuffer.Length);
BitmapData edgeData = edgeDetectImage.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, edgeDetectImage.Width, edgeDetectImage.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
byte[] edgePixelBuffer = new byte[edgeData.Stride * edgeData.Height];
Marshal.Copy(edgeData.Scan0, edgePixelBuffer, 0, edgePixelBuffer.Length);
byte[] resultBuffer = new byte [edgeData.Stride * edgeData.Height];
for(int k = 0; k + 4 < paintPixelBuffer.Length; k += 4) { if (edgePixelBuffer[k] == 255 || edgePixelBuffer[k + 1] == 255 || edgePixelBuffer[k + 2] == 255) { resultBuffer[k] = 0; resultBuffer[k + 1] = 0; resultBuffer[k + 2] = 0; resultBuffer[k + 3] = 255; } else { resultBuffer[k] = paintPixelBuffer[k]; resultBuffer[k + 1] = paintPixelBuffer[k + 1]; resultBuffer[k + 2] = paintPixelBuffer[k + 2]; resultBuffer[k + 3] = 255; } }
Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height);
BitmapData resultData = resultBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle (0, 0, resultBitmap.Width, resultBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(resultBuffer, 0, resultData.Scan0, resultBuffer.Length);
return resultBitmap; }

Rose: Oil Painting, Filter 9, Levels 25, Cartoon Threshold 25

Rose Oil Painting Filter 9 Levels 25 Cartoon Threshold 25

Sample Images

This article features a number of sample images. All featured images have been licensed allowing for reproduction. The following image files feature a sample images:

Related Articles and Feedback

Feedback and questions are always encouraged. If you know of an alternative implementation or have ideas on a more efficient implementation please share in the comments section.

I’ve published a number of articles related to imaging and images of which you can find URL links here:

Dewald Esterhuizen

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